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  • Roche-St.-Pierre


2419 Comeau's Hill Road, Argyle, Nova Scotia B0W 1B0

Everywhere You Go, the Kids Want a Rock

Head for Comeau’s Hill to see a huge rock and a piece of Yarmouth & Acadian Shores history. It is said that back in 1769, the missionary Charles-Francois Bailly de Messein celebrated mass in the shade of Roche-St.-Pierre (St. Peter’s Rock). And that in attendance were Mi’kmaq and Acadians after their return from exile.

Distance: 0.8 kilometres
Time: 10 minutes
Description: Dirt road, gravel trail, linear
Attractions: Big boulder with a legend about the location; views toward Pubnico and the Tusket Islands, and great sunsets!
Services: None, but 400 metres along, the road ends at a small sand beach with changing houses; small wharf; possibility to walk along the shore (rough and pebbly) about 2 kilometres toward Comeau’s Hill

Location: Comeau’s Hill. From Yarmouth take Hwy. 3 to Arcadia, turn R onto Hwy 334 (towards Wedgeport), after 2 kilometres turn R onto Comeau’s Hill Road; follow signs to Roche-St.-Pierre
Starting Point: Left side of the interpretive sign (ignore instructions on the sign!); parking off-road

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